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Friday, June 22, 2007

More B.S. from G.W's mouth

When Bush made the hypocritical statement ("destroying human life in order to save human life is unethical") in regards to his once again, vetoing the stem cell research bill, I wanted to throw up. These words from the same person who thinks nothing of killing and destroying innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan is outright despicable and shameful! I bet if a member of his own 'crime' family was stricken with some disease, he would be the first to get help in any form whatsoever. He totally disgusts me with his unethical and immoral way of thinking.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful, more accusations from the uneducated. The ignorant seem to gather in places other than the capital.

What you are proposing is using unethically gained material for scientific research. The Nazis conducted many experiments that yielded information, yet the great powers declared that since the information was obtained unethically, it couldn't be used. If that magnitude of research is out of reach, then I'm sure that the public won't mind using umbilical cords and other non-fetus sources for stem cells.

What you are debating is the morality of abortion. That is a different matter entirely. Did you know that legitimate scientists conclude that the development of a unique human being begins at conception? If you look in any Psychology textbook, you will find that development of humans begins promptly after fertilization. If we continue under this assumption, than we must assume that the killing of developing humans is murder. Bombing an obscure village in the Amazon is not justifiable because "they are an undeveloped version of what we once were, but we are so far removed from them that it is irrelevant."

Also, you are on shaky ground accusing the president's family of being involved in crime. You have absolutely no evidence to support your claims. You merely purport that something is true while entreating us to trust you. In short, you are telling us that there are WMDs in Bush's living room.

I do not wholly approve of the president's actions, however I severely disapprove of his cabinet. Also, you make it sound as if George Dubleya the First himself rode through Iraq in a tank "popping" civilians between the eyes.

To me, it simply seems that you are spoonfed your dose of politics by people who have their own agendas. I would recommend using evidence and doing a little thinking of your own next time you wish to release your political wisdom

5:13 PM  
Blogger reason said...

I have to agree with what tyr said. It is unethical to experiment with human beings. An embryo is a unique individual with his or her on unique set of human chromosomes.

We are not killing innocent people in Afghanistan and Iraq. The US military is the most unique military in all of history. It is by far the most powerful force this world has ever seen and at the same time it is the most humane military that has ever existed on the history of this planet. (That is because of our Christian influence)

If it were any other two-bit military, raping and killing would be the norm of the conquered people.

Not so with us. We build up the people of the nation that we invade.

7:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It is by far the most powerful force this world has ever seen and at the same time it is the most humane military that has ever existed on the history of this planet. (That is because of our Christian influence)"


"Not so with us. We build up the people of the nation that we invade."


And no, I'm not hiding behind and anonymous posting, I just couldn't be bothered to set up an account to see some sort of ridiculous rebuttal

5:32 PM  
Blogger reason said...

Anon 5:32 PM,
You quoted me on the following:

my comment: "It (the US military) is by far the most powerful force this world has ever seen and at the same time it is the most humane military that has ever existed on the history of this planet. (That is because of our Christian influence)"

Then you suggested that this is not the case by putting forth the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse cases from 2004.

My point is that this is not the norm for the US military. This is the exception. Look what happened to the people in that case. They were held accountable and court marshaled (and rightfully so!)

I'm not a big fan of Bush because of his out of control spending. I'm not getting my info from the Bush Admin as you put forth. I'm calling it how I see it; based on reports of folks that I know who are in the military.

Concerning abuse, even though Jesus Christ has left a thumb print on the world via His righteousness, you still have scandals in churches (believe it or not). That's because we are human and have a fallen nature. The fact is, as Christians, we've been called to a higher moral standard. It is hard to live up to it; but with the underlying accountability of others (because of the influence of Christianity in the culture), we are pushed in the direction of doing things the right way.

And so it was ultimately in the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse scandal. Those folks doing those horrid things to prisoners were held accountable.

If it were not for our underlying Christian morals in the American culture, the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse scandal would be the norm and no one would care. In fact, that would be really nothing. What you would see is common raping and pillaging.

Concerning the rebuilding of their country. It's getting rebuilt, from their point of view, why would they care how its being done.

5:09 AM  

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