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Monday, April 04, 2005

My right to live or die is my business!

Wondered just how long it would take before Congress decided to try and make a law on how I should be able to live and die. I am very angry that both Republicans and some Democrats are involved in our personal life issues. They have more pressing issues to work on: saving our environment, health care for the poor, getting us out of Iraq, etc. etc. I want Congress to stay out of my life and get one of their own, and, I, will be the only one to decide my death and not Congress or any nutty religious fanatic will make decisions that personal, for me.

Schiavo case spurring statehouse debate, unusual coalition of conservatives and liberals


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Newsflash! Congress interferes with your personal freedoms everyday. They tell you not to snort cocaine, they keep you from marrying multiple spouses. Unless you are a libertarian and don't want any governmental interference with personal liberty, your argument is unfounded.
Sure, I don't want to see our Congress overstepping its boundaries, but I don't want judicial tyranny either. Mr. Shiavo's motives were questionable. If we had just the slightest notion that a person on death row was innocent we'd do whatever it took to postpone their execution until we had as many facts as possible. We would be responsible for the burden of proof. I think that's how it should be. The government is here to protect our rights--our right to live if need be. Do you know for sure that Terry Shiavo wanted to die? If not, then you shouldn't be so quick to pass judgement on those who thought her life should be extended.

7:30 PM  

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