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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Houston abandons its neediest

Reading this article made me very upset and I feel there is no excuse in allowing this to happen.


Blogger Junie B said...

being in Houston, and part of all the mess of what was to some "a disappointment" (she said sarcastically), the press went way overboard on that story.

first off our shelters, both small and large (like the astrodome and such) were still FULL with the over 100K people here from New Orleans..Houston was never deemed to be an evac point for ANYONE leaving rita's path because even our hotels are STILL over occupied by those who cant find housing (from Katrina)

anyway, be assured that NO ONE in houston was in any danger the night of Rita..even after 2+ mil people fled the city, nothing happened here. it didnt even rain south and west of downtown.

11:57 AM  

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