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Friday, April 30, 2010

Take the No Phone Zone Pledge

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


After writing my last two sentence post on Palin I got crapped on by way of genealogy findings.

My sister was checking things out on and found a lead to a man who was on the Mayflower, John Howland. Well, we soon discovered he runs through the families of people like President Franklin D Roosevelt, actor Alec Baldwin, Winston Churchill, and criminal George H. Bush and others; also, that creepy animal hater and tea party racist Sarah Palin! Who knew? :(

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

What I would wish for Sarah Palin

I find Sarah Palin so offensive that I would like to see the polar bears and wolves go after her and get rid of her forever!! There is no woman who deserves it more than her.